Philadelphia Hood Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning

From the supplier...

Our trained staff performs the job in the best manner possible and in a fast, efficient way. We respect the environment and the law which means that we will not dump your waste anywhere and that we will always comply with the regulations in place. Compliance with the existing laws is a huge part of our focus since we want to make sure that your operations keep running smoothly. You will get professional advice on how to maintain your grease trap and you can be sure that we keep complete service records so that you and us know exactly what has been done and what needs to be done. All the materials collected will be disposed of in a safe way or repurposed whenever possible. We know very well what is expected from you when there are inspections and we guarantee you that once our cleaning team is done with removing grease and fat from your kitchen, you will pass any inspections that might come your way. You can count on us! We will never let you down and we remain flexible to work around your schedule. Just give us a call and let us do the rest.

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